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Build Your Websites Reputation

Very often web site owners try and write copy that is "search engine friendly" and forget that it is actually going to be read by a human being. By far the most important part of any site is the content on the pages themselves. Not only is this vital to get right for a good search presence but far more importantly, if your content is no good then you are guaranteed to lose sales because potential customers will leave your site if they can't find what they want or don't understand what you have written.

Most Important Information First

Text is often scanned and not read so when creating content you must bare this in mind. The end user is on your website for a reason so to make it easier for them finding the relevant information quickly is an important factor. Of course you want to incorporate content on your website that will encourage impressions within search engines but you must also remember that as users browse through your website they are looking for an answer, make sure the trail to that answer is obvious - things to think about are:

  • Easy to follow, uncluttered navigation
  • Clear "calls to action"
  • Use of clear headings
  • Keep options to a minimum

Visitors to your website will make a decision as to whether your website is useful or not and quickly, if your site looks complicated with a lot of options to choose from, they will end up looking elsewhere for the answer. 

Putting your most important information first is essential, this is generally a summary of your holiday let, if the end user is then wants to find out more information about the property they can then proceed to that specific page to find out more. The idea of this allows the end users to only read a couple of lines and understand quickly what it is that you provide. 

Landing Pages

Remember that people can land (arrive from a link somewhere else, such as Google) on any page on your site - they may not even see your websites homepage. 

When adding landing pages within your content are on your website you should consider the following: 

  • Each page should be easy to scan
  • Each page should clarify to people where they are and what your site is about
  • Each page should have a call to action telling people where to go next – to read another blog post, sign up for your email newsletter, check availbility or view your gallery 
  • Don’t rely on your navigation bar to tell people what to do next. Include a button or link to guide people to take the next step. 

Content areas within SCRUMPY allow you to format your text, paste from Word, add links, add images, videos and much more. 

Visual Appeal

Sometimes effective content doesn't always necessarily mean in the form of text. Imagery, videos, illustrations and diagrams are a great way to get the message across to the visitors on your website. Videos and other visual content are changing the way in which we communicate these important messages.
Using videos and other visual content to engage the audience and allow them to retrieve information without much effort. When adding image

s you should take in to consideration the following:  

  1. Use a relevant image that matches your text.
  2. Pick a good file name for your image.
  3. Make sure image dimensions match the image size as displayed.
  4. Reduce file size for faster loading.
  5. Add a caption, if appropriate, for easier scanning of the page.
  6. Use image alt text.  

Social Media

Social media as an SEO ranking signal is increasing in importance. Being talked about and mentioned on social media is a positive signal that shows you are popular and have content worth sharing and talking about. This in turn drives Google to regard your website as being more authoritative, which is one of the many signals that helps your website rank better in organic SEO. Social media can help increase trust with customers, potential guests can almost authenticate your business and look at previous reviews. 

Content areas within SCRUMPY allow you to format your text, paste from Word, add links, add images, videos and much more. Within the toolbar at the top of the editor you have many functions available for you to use - they are grouped according to their functionality. If you would like to dicuss SEO further or want to find out more about SCRUMPY could benefit your holiday property business then please don't hesitate to get in touch, we'd love to give you a demo!