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First Impressions

The way you are represented online can very quickly determine whether someone deems you worth their time. Opinions are often formed within seconds, so it is vital that your business is portrayed positively by both your website & social media.

Hi! 👋 How are you? 🤝

When meeting someone for the first time an initial impression is established almost immediately. Observations from punctuality, dress code, or even body language can help to swiftly paint a picture. Rightly or wrongly, these are then used to make some sort of judgement and can be make or break for what may or may not happen next.

If however there is a chance to talk, you have an opportunity to influence any assumptions. By spending time getting to know each other and conversing, viewpoints can change and rapport can be built. As simple as it sounds, a conversation can change the dynamic of the situation and even open up for a chance to pitch and sell.

Your online profile

Not being able to greet and speak to each online visitor wouldn’t normally cause issues, yet if your website isn’t good at portraying a good first impression, it may be a cause for concern.

With a site that is visibly dated, difficult to browse and use, questions may be asked as to the services you provide. It also wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to wonder how seriously you take your business, especially if there is little pride taken in its appearance online.

This is why how you present yourself, business and properties online are important for converting prospective guests. From the time it takes to load your website, the compatibility on their device, to how easy it is to find the desired content; these factors will either be increasing the likelihood of you making money or them going elsewhere.

Essentially if your site is poor, then it’s unlikely a prospect will proceed to browse, let alone enquire or book.

Let SCRUMPY help

Specialists in the self-catering industry, at SCRUMPY we know what it takes to present your holiday properties in the best possible light. Offering an all in one solution to owners and agencies, our feature packed websites allow you to market and manage from under one roof.

When there are so many sites out there, it’s vital that your website offers a user-friendly experience. Full of features you’d come to expect from a premium price tag, SCRUMPY offers high-end technology and almost every functionality you could think of for property management and guests.

Unlike traditional methods, as a software as service, there is no risk of SCRUMPY becoming outdated. We tirelessly make sure that the latest techniques are used so we are always one step ahead of the rest. This is inclusive of what we offer and leaves our customers to rest assured that what their guests see and use, will not become obsolete.

A SCRUMPY website is readily available and can go live quickly. If you would like to find out more, then why not read some more of our blogs, or get in touch today to see our work first hand.