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Holiday Ideas

Within SCRUMPY we have a feature called Holiday Ideas. Holiday ideas are a powerful tool in generating unique landing pages to help improve search engine exposure for your website.

We created Holiday Ideas as a way for property owners to create additional pages for their websites detailing the types of holiday they have to offer. For example a holiday idea could be 'Beach Holidays' and within here you would include some text about beach holidays and then select the properties in which this is applicable and these would be listed below. Take a look at the 'Beach Holidays' holiday idea on Shortbreaks.com.

Holiday Ideas come together as pages on the front-end of your website that list out the properties that they target alongside the content and images you provide. Holiday ideas are a powerful tool in generating unique landing pages to help improve search engine exposure for your website.

In order to create a Holiday Idea, log in to your SCRUMPY admin and go to ‘Site Content’ - ‘Holiday Ideas’ then select ‘Add Idea’. Here you will be able to add content and images for the ‘Holiday Idea’. Below the content area you will see a criteria section. This is where you select the criteria for what makes a property suitable for your Holiday Idea. We recommend adding a few paragrpahs of text and then uploading at least 3 images within the image section. You can create as many Holiday Ideas as you like and either link to these from other places within your website or just have them as seperate landing pages. The more content you have on your website, the more likely you are going to appear for peoples searches.

If you have any questions or would like assitance in setting up Holiday Idea on your website then please get in touch, we are more than happy to help.