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Housekeeping, Booking Configuration and more

We’ve been working hard on these features for a number of months. We’re excited to launch these new features today to help automate and improve another area of holiday property management.

 We’re introducing a feature-rich Housekeeping solution that covers everything from gathering a guests bedroom configurations (1x Double, 2x Single), equipment configuration (High Chair in the Dining Room, Baby Monitor in the Master Bedroom) to providing Housekeepers with an easy to use interface to view these configuration details.

Housekeeping staff can be assigned to bookings by property or manually assigned to bookings, they’ll automatically receive emails prior to bookings and they’ve got access to a ‘Housekeeping Portal’ to view all the bookings they’ve been assigned to. Guests can set the configuration of their bedrooms from their ‘Booking Login’ and leave notes for housekeeping staff, they’ll be automatically emailed if they haven’t yet provided their configuration details.

Other new features we’ve packed into this update include better support for video hosting sites, finding available properties automatically for incoming enquiries, even better mobile images, better referrer tracking and new easy to use date pickers throughout the admin. We’ve been exterminating bugs and making general performance enhancements across the system to prepare us for the busy months of business ahead.

If you’d like any help setting up these features then please let us know. Keep your eyes out for our ‘Year In Review’ blog post shortly, we’ll be revealing trends, talking about the features we’re working on next and more.